Fine murals

Murals have a relationship with the city, architecture and urban planning. Dominique and Jenny Antony have been mural painters since 1982. They have completed over 300 murals in many parts of the world.

A dining room in Melbourne

Design of an original decor for the dining room of a Victorian period home in Melbourne. 

By Dominique Antony and Félix Antony.


The entrance hallway of this Victorian house gives access to the dining room by a side door. The room is fully furnished, the sideboards are filled with vases. A sumptuous table is set, discretely lit by a central chandelier and sconces on either side of the mirror installed on the fireplace.

The first principle was to establish a network of branches, foliage and fruits of three trees, the oak, the orange tree and the pomegranate tree. This network constitutes a very natural graphic frieze that connects significant points, above the fireplace, the tops of the doors and the middles of the walls.

Discover the progress and follow the development of the project. Carefully measured, each panel was composed around themes specific to a personal family history or in relation to Australian plants with a few exceptions... testifying to the history of the country.

The subjects are inspired as much by the family history linked to animals or symbolically, to certain plants as the interest in botany, the love of nature, plants, trees, flowers, animals that the owners of this home have.

Original pictorial creation, unique and designed in harmony with the colours of the walls, cornices, the rose of which Félix composed the arrangement.

The paintings are installed and glued to the walls. The plant frieze is underlined by a decorative spiral border. All the work is hand painted.

The paintings of the frieze were done on canvas in the studio by Dominique and Félix.

The gazes of the family portraits on the four walls watch over this scene. 
Thick curtains frame a window overlooking the garden.

Bon appétit !
Painting of the walls and ceiling, cornice and rose